
Hey readers♥. I'm Nurulsyahira Amira Abd Hamid . 16 years old. Stay at Perak. In relationship with Muhammad Azmin ♥ . Please be nice here and no haters or copypaste here. Thankyou :D facebook

Meet The Owner
Just walking and walking to future

Name : NurulSyahira Amira Abd Hamid
Famous as : Mira and Anak Bear
Birthday : 08/09/1997
Age : 16 years old :)
Stay at : Perak
Status : In relationship

- Make a new friendship
- Blogging
- Chocolate, m&m
- Domo
- Blue, Purple , Red , Pink , White , Black
- Readers, followers

- Anons, Haters
- Liar, Arrogant
- Slow internet line
- To forget someone we were close to him/her.
- Hypocrite
- Insects
- Timeline

Be the best, dont dissapointed someone
Get something wrong in here? Ask me!

Behind the skin
Some people help me :D

Originally layout by Aulia Septiya
Big helped from Gyapo and Capitol
Other from Adobe Photoshop CS5, Photoscape, Ziera and Colourlovers

Saturday, July 9, 2011 @ 4:04 PM // leave a comment? [2 letters]

walaupun saya tak contact awak.
walaupun saya tak mesej awak.
walaupun saya tak tanya khabar awak.
awak jangan risau.

walaupun saya sibuk.
walaupun saya tak ada masa untuk awak.
awak jangan risau.

hati saya
jantung saya
jiwa saya

hanya ada awak.
hanya ingat awak
hanya sayang awak.

itu JANJI saya

credit to : http://cinonetstory.blogspot.com