
Hey readers♥. I'm Nurulsyahira Amira Abd Hamid . 16 years old. Stay at Perak. In relationship with Muhammad Azmin ♥ . Please be nice here and no haters or copypaste here. Thankyou :D facebook

Meet The Owner
Just walking and walking to future

Name : NurulSyahira Amira Abd Hamid
Famous as : Mira and Anak Bear
Birthday : 08/09/1997
Age : 16 years old :)
Stay at : Perak
Status : In relationship

- Make a new friendship
- Blogging
- Chocolate, m&m
- Domo
- Blue, Purple , Red , Pink , White , Black
- Readers, followers

- Anons, Haters
- Liar, Arrogant
- Slow internet line
- To forget someone we were close to him/her.
- Hypocrite
- Insects
- Timeline

Be the best, dont dissapointed someone
Get something wrong in here? Ask me!

Behind the skin
Some people help me :D

Originally layout by Aulia Septiya
Big helped from Gyapo and Capitol
Other from Adobe Photoshop CS5, Photoscape, Ziera and Colourlovers

Beautiful Target
Friday, September 23, 2011 @ 11:23 PM // leave a comment? [0 letters]

hey guys  , korang dah tengok MV Beautiful Target ? best kan ? , cute gitu lorh :D . Mula mula aku tengok , aku tak bpe minat dengar lagu nie . sebab ape pun aku tak tau . lepas tu , aku pun dengar la banyak banyak kali . woah , best meh ! MV dia pun kelakar , cute je kan ? . lebih lebih lagi jinyoung tuw ! auww so cute ! .  Pegi tengok cepat yang belum tgk lagi tu ! cepat cepat . rugi taw tak tengokk . btw , jinyoung and gongchan da tukar gaya rambut baru ! woah , cute meh .  haha .  whatever la ~ aku nak tkar lagu , nak letak lagu Beautiful Target , B1A4 ! . k bai ~ opss ! , Kat bwah ade MV beautiful Target . Tengok la kalau Nak . kalau tak nak pun takpe . tak kisah pun . hahax ,

Aku suka dngar yg nie --> Oh My beautiful Target , zoom zoom my heart like a rocket :D hehex<3